Wealth From Little

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How to #SLAY your 20s...

We are now bang in the middle of graduation season, and there’s about to be a lot of people & money movement. Some of you will be done with school and ready to start making your mark in the world, while some will be moving unto their next phase of education.

What ever path you are on, one thing I know for sure is that money will pass through your hands. At some point, you will receive money and at other points you will be the one giving out the money.

For most millennials I know, the decision they made with money in there 20’s created the life they live now.

So my gift to you this summer is a list of 20 things I think you should know. Some of them I knew, some I so wish I knew before I had to learn it the hard way!

Someone build a time machine already!

But for real I want you and your friends to do better. The list is by no means exhaustive, but I know what your attention span is like, plus your phone is constantly buzzing with notifications.

This is my big promise to you! If you can read and you can spare 2 mins maximum to read this post, you will change your life. x

  1. Your university degree alone isn't enough. Personality, character and integrity will set you apart.

  2. Avoid the lure of store cards. Their owners are multi-millionaires can you guess why?

  3. Pay off your debts not your boots 

  4. Avoid credit cards if you can't pay them off every month. 

  5. Never put yourself in a position to pay for loans 

  6. You don't need half of the things you have 

  7. Times have changed, get money advice relevant to 2019 

  8. Forgive the people who think make you feel inferior. Don't try to impress them 

  9. Save a portion of all your income no matter how little 

  10. Set up a standing order to transfer your savings to your savings account

  11. Max out your workplace or pension contribution on (For the over 22's)

  12. When you marry, you also marry the person debts. So be the type of person you would like to marry 

  13. If you can't pay cash you can't afford it.

  14. Learn how compound interest works 

  15. Beware of economic abuse: You are not an ATM my darlin, or the salvation army don't let yourself be used as one 

  16. Don't rely on anyone to manage or sort your money. Not your parents, partner or even your bank manager 

  17. Catch FIRE movement ( Financial Independence Retire Early)

  18. Always take responsibility for the consequences of your actions

  19. Your past choices doesn't determine your future. 

  20. In all things give thanks! Trust me this is the only way to handle both the good and shitty times ahead. 

My bonus point:

You are so special and don't believe anything less. You are meant to change your world so don't let anything hold you back.

Now, this is what I want you to do, let me know in the comments what lesson you wish you knew in your 20’s and help me build this list. Thanks!