How To Predict Your Future
Ok, I know what you are thinking… there’s no way to predict the future right? And tomorrow is in God's hands, and all we have is Now...
Yes! I totally agree!
So how about this? Let’s change the title up a bit because I don’t want you to get so hung up on the title that you miss out on the juicy bits I’m about to share… So… how about…
“How To Predict & Design Your Future ...If You Could”
How to Predict & Design Your Future…
I totally believe you can design your future, the same way you pay most bills one month in advance, the same way you iron your work clothes the night before and prepare home meals days/ weeks or months in advance.
I also believe Predicting your future is pretty simple too... Same way you decided to It involves just one thing!
And that is A FIRM DECISION.
Deciding what you want your future to look like, is the most important step in predicting your future.
So take a moment to decide what you really want and then let’s get on with the business of designing it.
Here Are 4 Tips to Help You Design the Future You Want
1.What do you want?
Have a big-picture goal. What does the future you desire look like? Where would you live? And with whom? Would you still be working, retired or semi-retired? What would you be doing for fun?
2. How much money would you need?
How much would you need to cover your bills and living costs? If you are working towards predicting your pension years. Calculate how much you would need to live on per week/month and year including all bills, vacations, fun items, outings etc.
3. Factor in the Unexpected.
We know things don’t always go to plan. Sometimes the unexpected happens we lose our jobs, loved ones get sick or our homes get flooded. Although we don’t wish for any of these things to happen, if it should happen it has the power to really our plans back and leave us disappointed.
Investing in a good life, medical, car or home insurance is often a cheaper way to protect yourself from unwanted “what ifs” s you can fully focus on building the life you are designing.
4. What steps will you take to get there?
This will be your “mini-goals”. Break down your “Big Picture” into bitesize chunks. And make mini-plans to achieve them.
How much would you need per week, month, year? What can you do now to prepare for that outcome?
Do you need to set up a savings plan? Open a personal pension? Increase your workplace pension contributions? Pay off your mortgage? Every little bit helps so look into all your options.
Remember there are 7 billion people on this beautiful planet and no two people are the same. Therefore our paths to financial prosperity will be very different because what constitutes a “ happy/ fulfilled/ wealthy life” for you is different from mine.