How to Pay off Debt with Gratitude

Do you remember the time you went out of your way (maybe even inconvenienced yourself) to help someone? But you felt they did not appreciate your effort because they didn't show any gratitude?

Well, I have met my share of ungrateful people and I know you have too. So I know exactly how you feel when this happens. Why is it difficult for some people to show a little gratitude? Even if it was just a sprinkle?

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Why is it so hard to say “Thank you”?

  • Some people feel embarrassed to need help and don't want to accept their reality

  • Others feel awkward showing gratitude

  • For others, it feels like a sign of weakness or irresponsibility

  • Few just don't know why they should say “thank you”

5 Reasons to show Gratitude for anything (including debt)

Showing gratitude to those who have helped you just says “I value and appreciate your help” and more importantly being thankful will

  • Make you feel happier

  • Improve and build relationships

  • Reduce stress

  • Reduce signs of depression

  • Put you in a position to receive more

But this is a money blog...

So what does “showing gratitude” have to do with debt?

Well, too often we feel having debt as something to be ashamed of, not to be talked about, like a dirty little secret. Have you ever felt “that” way?

Imagine hanging out with your girlfriends and one of them suggests you all go on a trip, you really want to tell them you are struggling financially and maybe even ask them for help but that sneaky little voice in your head goes “shhh don’t tell anyone what's really going on, they will look at you funny, think you are irresponsible…”

So you keep quiet resenting your situation secretly wishing you had a different job, more money, richer parents or a different/richer husband (oops did I just read your mind?). In fact just to make others feel better, and remove the blame you wish you just had a different life. But there's a better way to handle debt without all the blame or beating yourself up.

The Debt makeover

Just like when we have a full fashion and beauty makeover, although we are still the same person we look completely different and feel different too. And others see us and treat us different also.

We are going to have a Full Debt Makeover! And here is how.

Look at your debt as a friend who helped you in the past to achieve a goal, and you just have to say “thank you” and pay it back gratefully. Not run away from the debt, or resent the debt.

Remember that debt is part of the things that happened in your life to bring you to where you are now and make you the wonderful friend, sister, wife, mom or daughter you are today.

Life happens FOR you, not to you. That means everything in life happens for your good to make you grow into the person you were created to be.

The debt was a good decision at the time. We all make the best decisions we can make for ourselves based on our situations and the knowledge we have at the time. Remember that getting that loan enabled you do achieve something you wanted. Be grateful for the option to get a loan.

Take responsibility for all your decisions. You made the best choice at the time, take full responsibility for your actions and don’t pass blame. Blaming others make us feel like the victim and removes our power to change our own lives and become our own superhero. Now you know different, act differently.

Remember those who know more, do more.

Life is not a comparison website. So you can never ever perfectly compare yourself to another because no one else on earth has your DNA, your past experiences, your values, your passions or your heart. Or even your ability to create a Future you love.

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Why I am grateful

For my family, debt has helped us pay our bills in the short term, it has helped us through university and in buying a home for our small family.

For you it may be different, maybe it enabled you to pay for a wonderful trip or maybe you used it as leverage in your business. Whatever your reasons, they were right based on the information you had at the time. And it was fun to spend.

So let’s make paying it back fun, peaceful and stress-free.

How to pay debt down with gratitude

  1. Be grateful for where you are now and what you have already and impulse buying will reduce.

  2. Focus less on what you don't have and the complaining will stop.

  3. Declutter and give out what you no longer need or use to charity or you can sell it to make some money.

  4. Be content with what you actually need to achieve financial independence. Everything else is just like noise.

  5. Declutter and organise your loans.

    1. Make a plan to pay off the ones with the highest interest first.

    2. Find out if you can consolidate your loans into one with a lower interest rate.

    3. Look into 0% balance transfers and pay it off during the free period.

I would love to know how debt has helped you achieve a goal either in the past or presently.

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